Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week #6

Dear Friends and Family:


Week 6 for us in Yembi Yembi has been getting back into teaching and gearing up for the final month which will end with Jesus death, burial and resurrection.


Last night we taught on the first four laws that God gave to Moses and the Israelites. As normal we had 70-100 for the start, but about 10 minutes into the lesson the bulk (another half) of the village showed up. The neat part was that as we taught the number of people that came did not translate into a louder crowd (which is normally how it works).


As always there are ones that are tracking….incredibly well, and ones that are not.


Pray for Donald, Kerobim (Manu), Alan, Ana (Lulu), Apronia, Elmina, Gotfrit, Jackson and Janurarias (Sandemel). These ones are having a hard time tracking, not showing up, or out right opposed to what is happening.


Vila, Sylvia, Sita, Sophia, Scola, Roy, Nik, Mikelma, Max, Martin, Kevin, Joel and Iginais are there (most of the time) and are tracking, but we are not sure to what degree. These guys really need your prayers.


Then there is Roger, Edward, Anastasia, Job, Silas, Paul, Dennis, Lawrence, Kelly, Kerobim (Kafisa), Nikola, Alexia, Edita, Ilen, Stanley and Mariana, that are doing really well, tracking, understanding, and believing that this talk is true.


Last week one of my fathers (Robert) said to me " Oldest son,  I was reading the story of Pharo and how he saw with his eyes the strong of Yawe but his heart was strong like Cains. I put my thoughts (thought to) to Yawe that my heart would not be strong like that, that I would be able to see, understand, and scale to be true (believe) his talk".


With the death of Leo and Tino still in their minds, Job my brother-in-law, said this to everyone in his house as they tried to persuade him to help them kill and burn the feathers of a chicken to ward off death from the black power men, "Death is with us all the time, but no man on this ground holds me in his hand, only God will say when my time is done, when his fingers close then I will go, but not before."


Last night after teaching the first 4 commandments and why the commandments were given, my brother Rodney said this, "Who is able, who that walks this ground is able to keep all of these (10 Commandments) all the time, not us ones of dark skin, not you light skin ones, this cannot be the way, there must be another way".


It was the highlight of my week to do the preparation for the lesson on Jesus birth and to look back on how faithful God has been to us these last 3 months, and trust in that faithfulness as we get to the most important part of the teaching. We have about a month to go, and as of now are slated to finish the teaching the last week of April. Please don't let up on the prayers and petitions for these people, they are getting it, the light is encroaching on all they believe and hold to, and it is making a difference.


Right now the river is high and we are looking at the village going under in the next few days or so, if the rains don't stop and the river keeps rising. If the river floods and the village goes under (the houses are on high poles, but the teaching house is a dirt floor with benches) then the teaching house will go under and we will have to move to higher ground. Pray that we could stay where we are, keep the routine, and keep the momentum going for the teaching.


Our team is in good health, (minus lingering effects of Malaria in a few of us) and good spirits for this final month, pray that we could keep up with the work load, with the 100's of people that could use some discipleship and catch-up time, and keep our eyes on God through this whole thing.


Thanks guys, keep it up we sure appreciate you all,


Brooks for Nina and Beau


The pictures of all the Yembi's are still at and there is a blog of all these e-mail and other links at










1 comment:

Jan in Tulsa said...

I am on the update list that Doug Schaible sends out, and I just want you to know that I am praying for you and for the Yembi-Yembi people.

I am in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Doug came to speak in January. I was in tears during the class, and am so excited to see that God is using people to get to those who have never heard the absolute truth of Jesus Christ. Thank you for answering the call!!

My dearest friend is a missionary with a Bible translating organization in PNG, and she works mainly with the Maiadomu people group, but indirectly with others, as the Word of God is translated into several languages simultaneously. I have a heart for the Papua New Guineans and I pray for them often.

God bless you and know you are being prayed for by many, many people although you may never hear from them. God knows, and I'm sure you are aware you are being prayed for. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith and of the faith of the Yembi-Yembi people.
